Executive Board
Nominations & Qualifications
GACTE Executive Committee
The Executive Committee, consisting of the President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer, is elected by the GACTE membership.
President-Elect (yearly)
Past President
Secretary (expires 2024)
Treasurer (expires 2026)
(Note: In 2024, President-Elect and Secretary will be open for election).
And Vice Presidents from the following divisions:
Administration Leadership
Agricultural Education
Business and Computer Science Education
College and Career Academy
Counseling and Career Development
Engineering and Technology Education
Family and Consumer Sciences Education
Health Sciences Education
Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC)
Marketing Education
Special Populations
Trade and Industrial Education
Work-Based Learning/Youth Apprenticeship Program
Each division may nominate a candidate for the office of president-elect except for a division having a member currently serving on the Executive Committee. In 2022, the candidate for President Elect cannot come from the Family and Consumer Sciences Division, the Work-Based Learning Division or the Trade and Industrial Division. Individuals from the following membership classifications shall be considered eligible for voting and serving as officers:
Professional Member
Life Member
Members choosing dual affiliations may hold office representing only their primary division. Members holding dual division membership shall have only one vote in matters pertaining to the Association.
The following membership classification is eligible to run for office:
Professional Member
The President-Elect Shall:Be a professional ACTE/GACTE member in good standing for at least four (4) consecutive years. Have served within the past five years as a GACTE voting Board Member, GACTE Division Vice President, or a GACTE Division President. Be a recognized leader in the division. Promote all phases of career and technical education and be willing to lend support to all divisions of GACTE. Support and promote the Program of Work of the Association. Be able to give a sufficient amount of time to carry out the duties of the office. (NOTE: The President-Elect will be expected to attend all meetings of the GACTE Board of Directors which meets quarterly and the GACTE Conference Planning Committee which meets regularly throughout the year. During the official year of presidency, the President is expected to attend the ACTE Convention and Career Tech Expo, ACTE National Policy Seminar, GACTE CTSO Legislative Breakfast, and be on-call during the Georgia General Assembly legislative session to come to the State Capitol on behalf of CTAE as needed.) The president-elect shall serve for a period of one year prior to assuming the duties of the president. The president-elect shall perform such duties as directed by the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Committee.
The Secretary Shall:Be a professional ACTE/GACTE member in good standing for at least three (3) consecutive years. Be a recognized leader in the division. Promote all phases of career and technical education and be willing to lend support to all divisions of GACTE. Support and promote the Strategic Plan of the Association. Be able to give a sufficient amount of time to carry out the duties of the office.
The Treasurer Shall:Be a professional ACTE/GACTE member in good standing for at least three (3) consecutive years. Be a recognized leader in the division. Promote all phases of career and technical education and be willing to lend support to all divisions of GACTE. Support and promote the Strategic Plan of the Association. Be able to give a sufficient amount of time to carry out the duties of the office. The treasurer shall maintain, report, and account for all Association finances and perform such duties as directed by the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Committee. This is a 3-year term of office.